International Business Law
CAPITALIZING ON THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT Lindborg & Mazor LLP's International Business Law
If air currents rippling out from a single butterfly's wings can swell into a storm half a world away, imagine how even the smallest of businesses can affect world commerce. This is the age of high technology and international communications. In our shrinking world societies, events half way around the world can be experienced by everyone simultaneously and the global totality of surrounding conditions and circumstances can affect the growth and development of most industries; from the smallest businesses to the mega entities of the world, both private and public alike.
The range of services we offer to our international clients is vast. In addition to our core construction-related competencies, we also assist our clients in such diverse fields as import/export regulation and intellectual property protection. Lindborg & Mazor LLP understands the implications of a global economy. We maintain a strong connection to the international world and have the business acumen and the world contacts to meet the needs of our clients, wherever those needs arise and wherever they may take us. So when that butterfly across the world begins flapping its wings, Lindborg & Mazor LLP can help cushion the effects.
Lindborg & Mazor LLP is Proud to be Legalink's Sole Representative in Los Angeles
One way in which Lindborg & Mazor LLP has capitalized on the butterfly effect is through its selection into Legalink, a prestigious international consortium of the world's most highly regarded attorneys, which boasts representation in over 45 countries and throughout the United States. Lindborg & Mazor LLP is proud to be Legalink's sole representative in Los Angeles. Our close working relationship with each of Legalink's member firms allows us to offer our clients outstanding legal representation throughout the world without the constraints or the considerable expense of a larger international law firm. More importantly, our firm's close and personal relationship with international lawyers world-wide enables us to offer our clients more responsive and focused attention on all of your global needs. Our clients are assured of Lindborg & Mazor LLP's continuing involvement in the process and, as such, are able to maintain control over the proceedings which transpire.
Lindborg & Mazor LLP Receives International Legal Award
Lindborg & Mazor LLP proudly announces that, once again, it has been selected as the Client Choice winner of the 2014 Corporate Intl Magazine Global Award for Litigation Law Firm of the Year in California.
Corporate INTL magazine is widely acknowledged as the leading title in its field, reaching an audience of over 125,000 top business figures around the world each month, including directors of public & private businesses, private equity & institutional investors, investment & commercial banks, senior in-house legal advisers of leading businesses, professional corporate finance advisers, accountants and lawyers.